Re-imagining the Home page experience for BILL + Divvy customers in the new, integrated product offering



8 months


Shipped early 2023

Killed early 2023 (RIP)

Who did I work with?

Designer - Morgan Williams

Design manager - Sean Crowe

UX Research - Veena Nath

Content Design - Kim Curtis, Jamie Lai

PM’s - Trevor Fullwood, Rohit Menon

My squad engineers

Sr. Dir of Product - Stacia Lott

BILL Experience Foundations team

Divvy + BILL onboarding team

Divvy + BILL mobile team

Divvy + BILL Design system team

What did I do?

I worked with PM Trevor Fullwood and Design manager Sean Crowe to come up with the strategic direction for this initiative. I worked closely with Divvy designer Morgan Williams, who was working on a re-design of the Divvy Home page while I was working on this project.

I collaborated with the Experience Foundations team to define and align the strategies for notifications across the One Stop Shop offering and the standalone product.

I consulted with the Onboarding and Mobile teams to shape our shared strategy for how a new Home page would function for new users and in our mobile apps.

I put together research plans, conducted moderated interviews, and tested design concepts with the help of my UX Research counterpart, and worked with Content Design to ensure that my content was clear and consistent with our brand voice.

I worked with the Design Systems team to implement our brand-new Design System into this project, and to contribute necessary components and documentation to the Design System.

I worked closely with the engineers on my squad to determine the technical feasibility of my ideas and scope the work for contributing new components to the design system.

When I wasn’t in zoom meetings doing all of the stuff I just listed, I designed the interface for this thing.

Company context

BILL is the leading software solution for managing accounts payable for small, medium, and enterprise businesses. Divvy is a leading spend and expense management tool. Acquired by BILL in June 2021, Divvy has been hard at work alongside partners from BILL to integrate our separate solutions into a single “One Stop Shop” offering.

Discovery and Definition

What do our customers actually even do, anyway?

Before my team got started on this project, we realized that we had some pretty large gaps in our understanding about the ins, outs, and what-have-you’s of the typical workflows in a financial back office. We understood well enough what Divvy did for folks, but Divvy only represented a small part of the day-to-day work of our customers’ finance teams. So we rallied around a few key questions: